Due to government policies and the social-economic circumstances in Vietnam, the present pepper export scenario, percentage, and volume have changed.
The current pepper export price situation
In November, Vietnam pepper export price rose to the highest point in 4 years with an average of 4,635 USD/ton, an increase of 7.1% over the previous month and 75.8% compared to the same period last year. Thus, the average export price of pepper of our country in the past 11 months has increased by 54.6% (equivalent to 1,245 USD/ton) over the same period last year, reaching 3,525 USD/ton.

One of the other important factors affecting final pepper exporting price is the demand from the Chinese market which is lower than expected in the last months of this year due to the partner’s increased inspection and disinfection of goods and means of transport from epidemic areas of Vietnam. At the same time, tightening the management and traceability of goods … makes the customs clearance time longer.
The proportion of pepper variety
The pepper proportion in exporting activities of Vietnam witnessed a positive trend with a downward trend for whole pepper and increasing for ground pepper.
In November/2021, wholesale high quality black pepper is the type of pepper that occupied the largest amount of the total pepper exported with 65% (decreased 4% compared to October). Instead, the proportion of black ground pepper reach 16.4% and the white pepper reach 11,8% while white pepper ground occupied 5.4%. The remaining was green, red, and pink pepper which occupied only 1,4% of the total pepper export in Vietnam.
Vietnam wholesale pepper export volume
In the first 11 months of 2021, America is the largest importer of Vietnamese wholesale pepper with 55.155 tonnes, an increase of 6.9% compared to the same period last year and accounted for 22% of the proportion of Vietnam pepper export.

Another key pepper importers also import a large volume of pepper in November due to the calm situation of the Covid – 19 epidemic which reduces the logistic cost and promotes trade activities between Vietnam and the EU. On the contrary, there is a decrease in pepper export volume in Philipines, Egypt, Russia, Thailand,… At the same time, according to the data of the Vietnam Pepper Association, the amount of pepper exported to China, the second-largest pepper export market of our country, also plummeted 27.3% over the same period last year, reaching 37,746 tons.